Sunday, September 16, 2007


Hi. This is Tanner. Welcome to our blog. Blog, as you know, is a combination of two words. The first word is bee, an insect known for making honey and stinging people. The second word is log, a large piece of wood made from a tree that has been chopped down. So think of this blog as a large piece of wood that can either provide you with sweet honey or sting you if you are ornery.
Each of the four people who blog on this blog has a distinct personality. Danny is clever (code for pretentious) Nathan is funny (code for not funny) and Stefan has great keyboard penmanship. I am the cute one. So sit back and read our blog. Or, if you are like me, lay uncomfortably on the floor because your wireless network doesn’t work and your ethernet cable is very short. Either way, read it. Frequently. I am not just blogging for my health. Blog.
Irony: blog, as a word, is more fun to say than to blog. I just said blog out loud three times in a row

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