Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Chicken Oriental My Son

I don't even know

Nick's Guest Post: 2007

Year 1, Err, 2007. 
Fav Post: It was like a foreshadowing of things to come. http://thesshh.blogspot.com/2007/12/you-heard-it-here-first-folks.html
Least Fav Post: I don’t speak Spanish so I didn’t understand it. http://thesshh.blogspot.com/2007/09/binary-is-illest.html
After reviewing the posts of 2007, I have decided that this is going to be a fun and exciting trip down memory lane.  The first thing I realized from reading the 2007 posts is how much I didn’t know half of the writers on this blog.  I may have met Danny and the former writer, Nathan, once or twice. So, reading their posts allowed me to really get to know them, even though I didn’t know them.  
Ok, enough of the sentimental and abstract bs.  Let’s get to the review of the posts of 2007.  
The initial theme of the SShH was Stefan usually giving his NFL football picks (he was so bad he gave up in Week 6) with occasional posts by the other three.  One thing I noticed was when I tried to click on some of the references/links in the postings, a lot of them no longer worked.  So, don’t believe when they say everything on the internet is permanent.  
There were only 28 posts for 2007 and there was nothing too memorable I came across.  I think 2008 will be great.  To be continued…

Monday, July 23, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Kind of an interesting way to do it...


Two trailers, one voiced by Kevin Costner and one by Russell Crowe.  They have the same visuals but different voice overs.  In the film Kevin Costner plays Superman's adopted father while Russell Crowe plays Superman's real father.  Kind of interesting...

Kevin Costner version.

Russell Crowe version.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


My name is Nicholas Williams.  The founders/writers of the TheSShH asked me to, well, begged me to put together a 5th Anniversary Special Guest Blog Series.  If you didn’t already know, TheSShH has been online since September 15th, 2007.  I know what you are thinking…Have I really been following these guys for 5 years?   The answer is quite simple.  Yes, you have.  
Over the next two months you will see my posts for each year of TheSShH.  My first post will be about 2007, obviously.  My following posts will be then focus on 2008, then 2009, maybe 2010, definitely 2011 and if I am not bored out of mind going through old postings, 2012.
Like the original goal of TheSShH, I will be writing summaries and analysis on the themes of the writers’ postings.  However, most likely I’ll become a lazy bitch and just post links to the previous posts.  Just like the writers themselves.
Peace out Snitches,
Gingersnap out!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

Is Almost Live back?

but with a different name?

The (206)!

For fun here is an old Almost Live skit...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Just Two Dudes

Enjoying each other's company listening to Gotye...

Thank you to Tanner's brother for enlightening me to this video.