Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So I am trying to write something but Star Wars Episode III is on. Watching that seems to suck any kind of inspiration out of me. Change channels I must.

So this past a weekend a friend came and visited which was a great time. His old room mate from college also came up, we shall call him 'Nick.' Now Nick lives in a little place called Asssspen. Nick is a nice guy and I am sure he means well but that guy could not say three sentences without mentioning Aspen. Needless to say, he got really annoying. He would also compare everything to Aspen. I now never want to go to Aspen. I don't even like the Aspen tree anymore. I don't care how much snow Aspen has gotten. I don't care how your rent is more expensive in Aspen, actually I am glad that his rent is more expensive. Once again, he is a nice guy and means well it is just really annoying.


Oh yeah, what is that picture you put up Tanner? Wow.


Danny said...

Dude, I love the fact that one of pics you link to in your rant against "Nick" is from Awesome!

S.S.H.H. said...

Obviously, that picture is a unicorn pissing a rainbow. Also from


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!