Thursday, March 13, 2008


...I love it!

There are two shows that I thoroughly enjoy...One is Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations and the other is Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern.

Ok I will make a total confession here, I also like America's Best Dance Crew (or ABDC as we in the biz say). I hate A.C. Slater (Mario Lopez) though. This is kind of cool.

I really like Anthony Bourdain because he is a total smart *ss. He is kind of corny at times but he shows some interesting cities and definitely some interesting foods. I remember one episode where he was in Namibia and ate warthog rectum . He ate it politely in front of the people but then afterwords said that it was the worst thing he had ever eaten in his life. I like his honesty. Most often on cooking or traveling shows they try and make everything seem really tasty. He has also said that Fermented shark in Iceland was terrible; it is shark that has essentially rotted and is then marinated in lactic acid for six months.

The other food show that I really enjoy is Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern. He is also totally corny but he is very entertaining. I also really like the commercials for the show. Andrew Zimmern has definitely also eaten some interesting foods. Some of the foods he has eaten include haggis, nutria, balut, goose intestines, coconut grubs, callos (blood sausage and tripe casserole), fruit bats, and a still-beating frog heart. He is also willing to admit when a food tastes terrible. If you wanted to make his show into a drinking game it would be pretty easy. All you would have to do is take a shot everytime he takes a bite of food and tilts his head, closes his eyes, and goes "mmm." By my calculations you would take roughly 11 shots per episode. An easy way to get drunk in an hour.

On the topic of food, I love goat cheese.

And this.

James Franco is pretty funny.

Last one.

Ok that was gonna be the last one but for Danny and Tanner who love Freaks and

Shoot, I hate youtube videos that are longer than 30 seconds but this is for Tanner.

1 comment:

S.S.H.H. said...

meoooooow myemomommomommeemo mo, budda tut tut taaaaaao tao tao ta ta teedeedodooooo daaaaaaao.
