Thursday, March 20, 2008

Some Spring Pics

Spring time seems to really bring out some of the best tourists. Here are a couple of pictures from the last couple of days.
These pictures were taken by my friend...these people drived to drive up a walkway to on of the mountain parkin you can see they didn't make it up the walkway.
This picture was taken from my phone...this person tried to drive from the grocery store to the gas station down a walkway...they got a little stuck when they came to the stairs.

This picture isn't the most clear as it was also taken from my phone but this guy is wearing some really tight sweatpants (maybe baseball pants) and hot right now.
Spring it.

1 comment:

S.S.H.H. said...

I wonder if that guy got those sweatpants at Grigg's? Also, the driver of that SUV going down the stairs was probably Mark Wahlberg. I heard he's filming "the Coloradan Job".