Monday, April 7, 2008

Music Thoughts

Every once and a while I try and write a bit about some of the music I am listening to or a new album that I'm digging. They usually are pretty boring and crappy posts but I am going to write another one anyways. So read it up chumps.

Lately I have been digging the new Black Keys album "Attack and Release." It is definitely a change from their last album "Magic Potion" but it still kicks *ss. Definitely a big reason for the Black Keys coming out with a bit of a different sound is due to the producer Danger Mouse. He is famous for being the producing half of Gnarles Barkley and mixing Jay-Z's "Black Album" and The Beatles "White Album" resulting in the "Grey Album." His influence can definitely be heard but he does a good job of not taking over the album. He still gives plenty of room for the guys to make their dirty guitar work. This is an album of bluesy guitars and hip-hop influenced beats. Their first single "Strange Times" definitely has the most Danger Mouse influence. Another song that has a Danger Mouse feel (besides the banjo riff) is "Psychotic Girl". My favorite songs on the album is "I Got Mine" it is the Black Keys in their finest laying down a heavy guitar riff with a heavy beat. My other favorite song is "Same Old Thing," a great guitar lick with a flute riff (Danger Mouse all over this one). While this album is different than their previous work it is still a great rock album.
Rating system for this album...pinky(bad), ring finger, pointer, thumb, middle(awesome)...I give it the middle finger.
Death Cab for Cutie have a new single out "I Will Possess Your Heart." It is not a bad tune. I think this is DCfC's attempt at being psychedelic or something.
I give it the thumb...

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