Sunday, October 5, 2008

Guilty Pleasure #1

So the one person who reads this blog noted that nobody has actually written anything in a long time. I want the blog's one fan to know that us writers listen. I have decided to start a new segment in the blog, my guilty pleasures. We all have different ones that are embarrassing, I am going to boldly write one from time to time. So to start it off, here is guilty pleasure of right now.

Chris Brown, "Forever"

Chris Brown is a 19 year old entertainer who is know for his dancing moves and dating Rihanna (the chick he is with in the pic).  I have never really been into his music at all or even really known who he is. I mean I knew that he gets compared to Michael Jackson a lot (the good pre-touching boys Michael), but nothing more than that. Well my whole world changed last week when I heard his song "Forever" for the first time. I generally don't like pop-dance songs but this song is the shizzle dizzle wizzle (I don't know what that means). The beat and hook is extremely catchy. I don't know many of the lyrics and what I do know isn't that impressive but that is beside the point. Ok, I do know one line that I love, "Baby you can watch me, look what I can do with my feet." Ridiculous, I know. The overall song is so dang catchy though, you can't listen to it and not try and move something. I would post the whole music video but the embedding option on YouTube has been taken down for it. If you want to see the actual video click here. I don't really understand why she jumps off the building but whatever he's got some sweet dance moves. Very Michael Jacksonesque.

Maybe the best thing about the song is that it was originally written for a Doublemint commercial, but then when it was so successful they changed the lyrics and made a full song out of it. Here is the commercial, and yes that is Chris Brown dancing.

After watching that you can't tell me it isn't catchy. If you can tell me otherwise then keep your mouth shut and look what I can do with my feet.

For the one fan...

Thanks for telling me about this one...

oh yeah...if had a penis, danny would be sucking it right now

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I dont like wine either.

Thanks for the morning laughter and now I wont pull a chair out from under you like I was planning on doing.