Friday, November 7, 2008

Not Just a Video!!

Look! A post that isn't just some YouTube videos! Now the one fan can actually read something on Monday.

I have gotten a lot of new music lately, so instead of writing one longer CD review I am going to write a bunch of shorter ones that are more to the point. I will use a star scale of 1 to 5. Heeere we go...

Trolle//Siebenhaar "Couple Therapy": This Danish duo is a cool blend of reggae, drum 'n bass, and a bit of hip-hop and electro. I give this CD a 4/5. I have been digging the songs Loosing Sight and Sweet Dogs (video below)...the dog has magic piss!

Adele "19": I first head this girl on SNL and I like her song, Chasing Pavement (I would put the video up but YouTube won't let me). So here is the other song I like by her, "Cold Shoulder." Her voice and music style kind of reminds me of Amy Winehouse (minus the drugs and the skin and bones, seriously, Adele looks fat compared to Winehouse). On that note, maybe she is a wee bit chubby. Sorry this video sucks, but the song is cool. I give it a 3.5/5

Bloc Party "Intimacy": I really liked Bloc Party's first album, Silent Alarm. I also saw them in Milan and they were really entertaining. Unfortunately, since their first album they have gotten progressively more disappointing. I don't really know how to describe their new album other than they could do better. I award it 2/5 and it gets no video posting.

Copeland "You Are My Sunshine": I have been trying to like this album more but it hasn't really hit me like their last one, In Motion. There are some good songs, I like "Should You Return", but this album seems a bit too emo or something. Maybe I will eventually get into this one. It gets 3/5

Eagles of Death Metal "Heart On": Generally each rock band puts one song on their album that is a break from their style and they get to use different guitar sounds or use dirty lyrics. The Eagles of Death Metal make nothing but songs like that. They are the kind of music that you have to be in the mood to listen to, they are funny and totally rock 'n roll. Basically, these guys are f*cking cool. Their dummer is also Josh Homme, the lead singer of Queens of the Stone Age. I think the video for "Wanna Be in LA" does a good job of summing them up (it's pretty sweet). It gets a 4/5

Jake One "White Van Music": Jake One is a producer from Seattle (he also went to UW) who has worked with some big names (De La Soul, Nas, 50 Cent) but this is his first album. He makes some pretty good beats. Unfortunately I am not a fan of some of the MCs he uses on some of the tracks. There are some good tunes though, and he does use some Seattle MCs which is cool. This isn't really a video but just a song that I like. Unfortunately, due to the number of crappy MCs I give this album 2.5/5.

Kings of Leon "Only By The Night": I got into this band after their last album, Because of the Times. These guys have good songs for rocking out too (that sounded way lame, sorry). I would post up videos for a couple of their songs but they have disabled embedding which is annoying. Probably my favorite song is "Use Somebody" This band from Tennessee have been drawing huge crowds in Europe while in the US they are not nearly as popular, kind of odd but still good some good rock. This one gets a 4.5/5.

Oasis "Dig Out Your Soul": I have always had a weak spot for these guys since seventh grade. I can't help it, I like the unibrow Gallagher brothers. I thought that they would have to go back to coke do good work but I can put my emotions aside on this one and say that it is a good album. I am a really big fan of the song "The Turning" but they don't have a video for that one yet. Here is the video for "The Shock of the Lightning". I give this album a nice 4/5

Ryan Adams & the Cardinals "Cardinology": I have already written about Ryan Adams and how much I like his music (only to be ridiculed in the comments section, thank you number one fan) and once again I will do the same. Ryan Adams is a brilliant song writer and when he is with the Cardinals he is backed up by some phenomenal musical talent. This album is a great example of both. This isn't a video but a just a song with pics (it does a great job of showing off his "odd" style). The song is "Fix It", Rolling Stone said that it is very U2 like, which I think is dumb (just because you use a guitar that has some echo effects does not mean that it is U2ish). Cardinology gets a 4.5/5

Common Market "Black Patch War": Common Market is a great Seattle hip-hop duo. Ra Scion, originally from Kentucky but now lives in Seattle, is a very good lyricist who sounds a lot like Talib Kweli. The DJ for Common Market is Sabzi, from Seattle, better known for being the DJ of Blue Scholars. I like Common Market alot but this album is a little hard for me to get into. Black Patch War is all about tobacco farmers in the South which I honestly can't really relate to. This album is an off topic for me but I still like beats and the flows. I give it a 3/5. I do like the song "Trouble Is" but I don't really get the video. If I could grow a big beard like him I totally would.

And last but not least!

Snow Patrol "A Hundred Million Suns": Snow Patrol has released a number of hits but I think they are one of those bands where their songs that are never played on the radio are their better stuff. This album is full of great songs with lots of strings, piano, and guitar. There is definitely a space theme as lots of songs are about planets and space travel and sh*t (pretty intelligent huh?) I like a lot of the songs but here is another picture show for one of them, "Lifeboats", of course I pick the one song that is about being on the ocean. This album gets a 4.5/5

Well that pretty much sums it up...not a lot of hip-hop, sorry. I have gotten some other hip-hop albums but I haven't really listened to them enough to write much. In case you are curious though, I have been liking...Michna "Magic Monday" and Madvillain "Mad Villainy" and "Mad Villainy 2". I am getting pretty excited for Novel's album to come out, he already has one song out with Talib Kweli and Ben Folds (interesting combo huh?), "I am."

Just for fun, check out Blue Scholars "Joe Metro" video, how many places do you recognize in it?


Tanner said...

That Joe Metro video was really cool! I love Portland!

Anonymous said...

Dude, Ryan Adams! I love that guy. Can you post the Free Bird video?