Monday, May 4, 2009



As children our first introduction into the world of pleasurable senses was inevitably candy. For the uber-young, candy is rock and roll, porn, youtube, twitter, bourbon, caffeine, nicotine, Viagra and boating (more on that later) combined. It was a reward for being good at the mall. It was something you snuck without telling your parents. It was something you binged on on Halloween and it made you sick and you did it any way. It was in Easter baskets, Christmas stockings, birthday piƱatas, and Valentine’s pockets. I almost feel dirty talking about candy, because we, as adults, push candy on kids and basically promote addictive behavior. How else can you explain this? Or this? Or for God’s sake, THIS!? We had candy cocaine, candy beer (currently in prohibition. Sign a petition to bring it back.), candy Quaaludes, candy jewelry, and candy Vicadin. I guess giving candy to kids gives them a real taste of adulthood: numb your pain with a temporary sensual pleasure that is ultimately very bad for you. But I have found a new hope, a shining example of candyhood that may change the face of candydom forever! Can we possibly find a guilt-free, ever enjoyable candy that is not only good, but good for us, and good for the country, and quite possibly good for the world? In short: YES WE CAN!

I have a bit of a sweet-tooth, so I am a big fan of candy. If I had to pick one favorite candy, it would probably be Swedish Fish. Nope, changed my mind, it's Charleston Chew. Wait, wait, wait, make that a Whatchamacallit. Man, now I'm hungry.

Some people have a sweet tooth and get cravings for candy. I do not. I prefer salty things as opposed to sweet things. Recently my mom has gotten the idea that I really like peeps. She gave me some at Christmas and then gave me some more for Easter. Each time she gave them to me she said, “I know how much you like peeps! Here you go!” I don’t have the heart to tell her I have never liked them so they just end up in the garbage after sitting on the dinning room table for a couple of weeks. Which reminds me, it about time I throw away the Easter peeps.

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