Friday, May 29, 2009

Chris Cooley on Women's Lacrosse...

Chris Cooley (TE for the Redskins) has a blog that is mildly entertaining but yesterday he wrote about going to his wife's cousin's lacrosse game. Some excerpts...

2. The rules to girls lacrosse is lame. It's bullshit that they can never touch each other, plus the game is stopped every minute because someone bumps someone else. A dangerous shot is a freaking joke, let the girls throw the ball around a little bit, it would make it a hell of a lot more fun. I'm sure if you gave them a helmet and pads excitement would ensue. Plus I want to see girls hit.

6. I hung out after the game and played my first catch with a lacrosse stick. It was pretty tough because the girls sticks have the little pockets, but after about 5 minutes I had it down. I can throw the shit out of the ball, just gotta keep tight control. Shave my legs, give me a little tuck, throw a wig on me and I would be and All-American.

8. I love dads in the stands. They yell the smartest things and make the game much more enjoyable. I can't wait the be the best asshole dad in the stands. I promise to never let any surrounding fans down. P.S. If anyone has set next to my dad in the stands at a skins game you would know what I'm talking about. I just want to follow in his footsteps. Well, maybe with just a little bit less groping and boob signing, and a little more "Open your eyes you cock sucking ref!" yelling.

1 comment:

Tanner said...

Cooley swears too much. What a cunthole.