Thursday, December 16, 2010

Top 5 Movies of 2010 by Stefan

I will admit that I have not watched that many movies this year.  I went through the list of American movies to be released in 2010 and realized how many movies there were that I wanted to see but didn't get to.  Well, even with my limited viewing, I shall give you the Top 5 movies of 2010 according to Stefan.

#5. Kick-Ass: I was pretty late to the game on this one and saw it a number of months after it came out.  The plot is great and it is a good dark comedy without being too dark.  One of the things that made this film for me was Nicolas Cage's performance.  He has had very few really good roles (I loved him in Lords of War) but he absolutely nailed it in Kick-Ass.  Great Stuff.

Please ignore the idiot lady who talks at the beginning and end of the trailer.

#4. The Town: I generally do not like Ben Affleck, but I will admit, he has come out with some great films (Gone Baby Gone, Good Will Hunting, Gigli, etc...).  When I first saw the previews for The Town I will admit I was not impressed.  After hearing some good press I decided to check it out and I am very glad that I did.  Great story and some really good acting.  Ben Affleck knows how to write and direct a movie.  I do have one problem with The Town however.  If you have not seen the movie then read no further...If you were just kidnapped in a bank robbery you would most definitely not be willing to have some strange dude pick you up in his car for a date and drive you around a few days later.  You would be so freaked out you would not be willing to go out on a date for at least 3 years.  The movie was so good though I can get past that major flaw and still say that I enjoyed it.

Maybe one of the most intense trailers ever.

#3. Megamind: This is where I begin to show off that I am still a child and absolutely love computer animated films.  I always think that I am over Will Ferrell and do not find him funny anymore.  Then I see him in a new film and I remember that, damn, he is still one of the funniest people out there.  Looking back at Megamind; I am pretty sure that no kid this film is aimed at understands the plot.  This film must have been made purely with the intention that you would take your kids to see it and have ten times more fun than them.  Many of the subtle jokes in Megamind could just as easily be in an episode of 30 Rock.

I really thought that I had the plot figured out from the trailers but it takes some twists.

#2. Inception: I know I am on the bandwagon with this one but whatever, it is a really good film.  I used to not like Leonardo DiCaprio, but after his last number of works there is no denying that he is an amazing actor.  Watching this in the theater was a workout.  I was so focused and completely sucked in that when it ended it felt like I was exhaling for the first time in a hour.  Just a great piece of work.  I am completely sold on anything Christopher Nolan does.  He could make a claymation 3D prohibition film and I would see it in the theater.  The dude has great amounts of creativity.

Braaaaaaaaaahhhmmm! You musn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling Braaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhm!

#1. How To Train Your Dragon:  My favorite film of the year is computer animated! I unfortunately did not see this film in the theater, I think it would have been a great one to see in 3-D.  How To Train You Dragon is an absolutely great kids movie that can be enjoyed by adults.  It has a good positive story and is one that can really capture a child's imagination.  What kid wouldn't like to have a pet dragon that they could fly and have as a best friend? The animation is absolutely unreal and again, I wish I saw this in 3-D (I am still not sold on the whole 3-D thing but this is a different story).  The movie follows a plot that kids can follow and the dialogue has plenty of humor for all ages.  Just a great, great all around film.  Definitely my #1 of the year.  Do yourself a favor and see it.

Watching this preview it really looks like they hadn't finished the animation when they came out with this trailer.

While looking at different films that I have seen this year I had to add these as honorable mentions...Shutter Island (great book),  Toy Story 3, Hot Tub Time Machine, and Date Night.

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