Friday, January 15, 2010

A Few Thoughts in Hawaii

I am on Oahu right now in Honolulu and have noticed a few things. These are just kind of random thoughts.

Hawaiian shirts: The only people who wear these are men over 45 and locals that work in restaurants. The difference between these two? The guys over 45 want to wear the Hawaiian shirt. The locals? They don't want to but have to if they want to make some tips at work. I am of taking something from David Sedaris' book When You Are Engulfed in Flames. David says that men who wear bow ties are fine, but they are making the public statement that they cannot get an erection anymore. I think this also works for Hawaiian shirts. An embarrassing admission, I used to wear Hawaiian shirts when I was like 12. This is embarrassing but I think kids can get away with most anything (smearing food all over their face, wearing a rival University sweatshirt, etc.)

Israel "Iz" Kaʻanoʻi Kamakawiwoʻole - Wonderful World: This is an absolutely beautiful song and Israel had an amazing voice. He was Hawaiian and is a state icon. This does not mean that this song should be played continuously in hotel lobbies. I have been here two days and have heard this song at least 6 times just in my hotel. Don't play the song so much that it becomes annoying.

ABC Stores: These are Hawaiian quickie marts and they are on every corner in Hawaii. Within two blocks from my hotel there are three of them. The have tons of souvenirs and knick knacks. ABC Stores also have beer and snacks so they are ok with me. Whenever I am in Hawaii I look for the ABC stores, it is a fun game to see how far apart they are from each other (one block? two blocks? 20 feet?).

Those are my thoughts. I am going to go to the beach now and drink a big fruity beverage with an umbrella in it.


Poop Head Harris said...

Hawaii sucks...and so do you!

Tanner said...

1) ABC Stores are awesome. That's where I got my 14" Donatello action figure.

2) Don't turn on the radio unless you want to hear Jack Johnson.

3) It's 40 degrees and raining. So fuck you.

grasshopper said...

RE: tanner's #3 comment - i concur

Stefan said...

I am a huge fan of ABC stores. There is something comforting about them. They are also a great place to find tacky t-shirts. Each store doesn't have the same inventory either. Each store is it's own treasure hunt.

NoLimitNelson said...

I had 3 Hawaiian Shirts in Middle School. I got my dad one for Christmas. He has worn it 4 times already. This makes me happy.

And I can't believe you are reading When you are engulfed in Flames. It is Genius! Read Naked next.