Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Wii

I got my lady friend a Wii for her birthday in the middle of December. The only Wii games we have is Wii Sport and Wii Fit. The great thing about the Wii though is that when you connect it to the internet you can then download original NES games for around 5 bucks. We have been playing Super Mario 3 a ton as that has always been her favorite video game. Today I purchased Punch Out and Zelda. It is amazing how many of the tricks and button combos are still in my brain. Would that be considered muscle memory? I mean I barely even have to think some of the time. My thumbs just know what to automatically do. Speaking of thumbs, they are getting sore from pushing the buttons so hard and often. It is kind of funny that I bought this brand new video game system and all it has been used for so far is games that are 20 years old. The Wii is pretty cool though.

1 comment:

Tanner said...

You should definitely get Tecmo Super Bowl with updated teams and rosters. Soooo awesome and Chris Johnson is unstoppable.

Also, I beat my record and can now beat Super Mario in under 7 minutes.