Monday, May 9, 2011

Atmosphere - The Family Sign

For a while I have been meaning to write some music reviews.  I have a bunch of albums to write about but I haven't gotten around to critiquing.  This is a project I will come back to every once and a while.

I really like Atmosphere because musically it is more than just a drum machine and a hook.  They really make music that is more than hip hop to back up Slug's vocals.  It is nice to see that the creativity is not just in the writing.  Speaking of writing...Slug does an amazing job of using each song as an opportunity to tell a story.  He takes on the persona of different characters to tell each story.  The Family Sign is a great blending of these two qualities of Atmosphere, the music and the storytelling.  My only complaint with the album is that some of the songs could be longer.  That isn't much of a criticism but I definitely don't want some of the songs to end when they do.

An example of a song that I wish was longer...

An example of the story telling...

sorry to burst everyone's bubble but "this isn’t about a woman. it’s about people who abandon minneapolis to chase bells and whistles." - @atmosphere (slugs twitter)

A combination of the music and lyrics...

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