Thursday, May 5, 2011

Swords! Castles! Giamatti! Angry Rock Music! Violence!

For some reason I like these dumb movies.

Is it true that there are 'less than 20 men' defending the castle. That doesn't sound so realistic that they could hold against an army unless they are the same men who fought in 300. Is this based from any truth? I hope the film is better than what the trailer shows.

@fdracup most people think of the word 'castle' the same way they think of the word 'palace', but in fact castles were only ever a means of defending as much as possible, for as long as possible, with as few men as possible. Think about which side of a 5 metre-thick, dozens of feet high stone wall you'd want to be on in a battle?

@fdracup most people in thouse days where not actually soldiers, just like the dude in 300 said in that part where they ask the profession of each "soldier"...
Also, they didn't added it into the movie, but there are old documents recently found that suggest the possibility of them having machineguns and other explossive artifacts given to them by aliens from another world which may be related to 9/11...

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