Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Good Burger!

So neither of us has written our review yet of the movie but I figured I would go first as mine will probably be the worst and the least detailed.

In case you haven't seen Good Burger in the last week to 12 years, here is the preview.

Now I know what you are thinking, "Why didn't this win any Oscars, or even get nominated?" It would have been nominated if it wasn't for these other movies that came out in 1997... Titanic, LA Confidential, Good Will Hunting, Amistad, and Home Alone 3.

I won't go into the whole plot, characters, or anything really to do with the movie because I'm sure that the other two will write about that. I am going to write about my experience watching Good Burger.

The three of us decided before hand that we were going to drink 40's while watching the movie. Tanner's friend (to protect him I will not use his real name, let's call him Nolan), Nolan, was in town for the weekend and he is always willing to do something that involves drinking so we became a group of 4. We decided that each of us would drink two 40s of the same kind but each person's would be different. While Danny and I went and got the movie, Tanner and Nolan got the 40s. We came back with the movie and they came back with 8 40s. The four different varieties were Steel Reserve, Mickey's, Old English and Old English High Gravity. We drew bottle caps out of a hat to see who got to drink what. I was blessed with the gift of Mickey's.

While my 40 did have the least alcohol content I did drink it the fastest. I believe that I was done with both of my 40s about 20 minutes into the film. The other three were barely finishing theirs by the time the credits were done.

Now after the film, that is when things got weird. Nolan really wanted to do Karaoke so he started singing, "Take These Broken Wings." by Mr.Mister

Now as he was singing this song, Tanner and Danny started to do an improv interpretive dance. Now this would have been fine except that neither of them were wearing anything but shoes, socks, and t-shirts. Now I don't judge, if that is how you like to dance that is cool, but it was a little awkward. Around this time I grabbed my camera from upstairs to take some pictures. By the time I got back downstairs things had gone from funny to a little bit scary. Nolan was passed out spooning a pillow under the coffee table, still humming the synthesizer part in his sleep. Tanner, on the other hand, had not turned peaceful but instead had become wolverine. Tanner had shredded his shirt and run off into the bushes while punching anything in sight (i.e.. women and children and puppies).

Danny had started doing something completely unexpected. Danny was sitting in the corner rocking back and forth mumbling to himself, "I don't have to always wear striped sweaters, I don't have to always wear striped sweaters." Mind you, he still wasn't wearing pants, but as we were at Tanner's place he had raided his closet and put on all of Tanner's sweaters.

So of course you are now wondering, "Where are the pictures?!?!!!!1!" That's right, you are so excited your forgot to hold down the shift key one time there. Unfortunately, the battery was dead on the camera so I wasn't able to capture any of the beautiful moments. You will just have to take my word for it. Which is totally true, I can't make this all up. Nolan eventually did move to an eventual bed and slept the rest off. Danny also sobered up and put his pants on, Tanner is still missing all of his striped sweaters, however. Tanner also eventually sobered up; he was found sleeping on the stoop with a dead squirrel in his mouth in the morning.

So that basically sums up my experience watching Good Burger. Great movie. Fantastic experience.

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