Saturday, February 26, 2011

The King's Speech

My next Oscar nominated review.  This is going to be short, which is unjust, for such a great movie but I am about to watch Winter's Bone.

When I first heard about this movie I was not interested, at all.  To me the typical British Oscar bait film either has to do with forbidden love during the Victorian age, a British teenager falling in love with a 40 year old, or something to do with the King and Queen (which may involve the last two mentions topics).  The King's Speech obviously involves the King and Queen so I was not interested at first.  I had already gotten burned by watching 'An Education' last year (see British film plot number 2) and was not going to do it again.

After all of the Oscar hype, especially about Colin Firth's acting job I felt I had better see it.  I am very glad that I did.

Colin Firth's performance of a King with a speech impediment was amazing.  Also amazing? Geoffrey Rush's performance as Lionel Logue, the speech therapist.  The interaction between the two was top notch with great dialogue.

Part of what made the movie so enjoyable to me was that I really didn't care about the story at all in the beginning but I was totally sucked in while watching and became very invested by the end.

To summarize, The King's Speech is a great movie with superb acting.  It totally changed my opinion of what I thought would be another typical British film.  I had my prejudices against Colin Firth but he put on an amazing performance.  

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