Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ra Ra Riot

My favorite band to listen to right now. Stefan does this all the time, so indulge me:

BONUS: The cello player is uber sexy.


Stefan said...

how did they get Jemma to be in the video?

I like the jean shorts.

Danny said...

His name is spelled Gemma. And he's receiving royalties every time you view the video. Unfortunately, he's spending most of the money to support his out-of-control catnip habit.

Stefan said...

that is the pussiest way to spell Gemma...BOOM!

Let's get that cat in a 108 step program. Get it? 9 lives? 12 steps?


Tanner said...

I always thought the cat was named "Jimmer" like Jimmer Fredette, and you guys just said it with a Boston or Aussie accent. Gemma? That IS pussy.